The Bible calls this the Great Tribulation. During this Great Tribulation period, the Bible warns that the wrath of God will be poured out on those who have rejected Jesus being the King of their lives. These judgments described in Revelation include worldwide war, famine, plague, wild animals attacking humans, meteor impacts, massive global earthquakes, and more. The start of these terrible judgments commence at the beginning of the Tribulation period which is marked by the signing of an agreement between the Antichrist and many nations. There will be a progression of these judgments along with their severity as foretold by John in the Bible (Book of Revelation Chapters 6-18). At the End of this Horrific Time Jesus will come in his glory, destroy the Anti-Christ , put Satan in chains and establish His Reign on the Earth for the next 1000 years.
Revelation is the Last Book of the Bible and Predicts Accurately the Coming World Events.Great Study by Central Florida Pastor